Monday, January 3, 2011

Wait...I'm actually here?!

So I'm currently sitting in room in Notting Hill! :)

I got here at 8am after a nice flight of watching The Social Network (so Courtney Kaska gets off my back for not seeing it) and attempting to sleep... but failing. We were then transported by the program to our house which is really really cool. It was built in the 1800s and I'm in a triple that has a lot of room and storage! This is a view across the street from my window and our building looks really similar..
Oh...and Stella McCartney lives two doors down...SO COOL!

But yeah we were given time to unpack, I explored the building and then ventured out with a few people and we had sandwiches at a place called EAT around the corner. There is plenty of shops, restaurants, and pubs within walking distance and the tube is so close which is nice. I used some down time to nap and deal with the jet lag and then we were off on the tube to dinner with the program.

We went to this restaurant in Covent Gardens called Porters and I had a nice meal of mashed potatoes, chicken pot pie thing, and a beer! And now I've just been hanging out with my roommates Tara and Emily who are both from Saint Joe's as well!

Thats all for now! Orientation starts tomorrow morning so I'll have more to report later!


  1. Hi Megan,

    Sounds like your have fun already. Its nice Emily joined your triple. I was thinking about you a lot today, because I put away most of the Christmas decorations. Well that all for now I have to call Nanie so she knows to look for your blog. Miss you too and Taaara seemed very nice. Keep Communicating when you can. Love, Mom

  2. So how was the beer warm? Sounds like a great place have a blast and don't get drunk and steal Stella McCartney's prosthetic leg.

  3. Oops I always forget it was Heather Mills with the fake leg!

  4. Hi Meg,
    Glad to hear you had an uneventful trip. If you happen to see Stella McCartney's old Dad walking around the neighborhood could you get his autograph for your favorite aunt? Been a fan for decades (really!)Sounds like your in a terrific place and you should have lots of exciting adventures. Keep in touch!
    Aunt Barbara

  5. Hi Meg,

    All good news from you. Have a great time, do it all and don't comeback with a British accent.


  6. Megina!!!!!
    Its Danielle and Jessika! We just read your latest blog entry. It sounds like you are having a great time. I love the pics (from Jess) Come home (Danielle)
    We miss you!
    Have fun!!!!

  7. Meg,

    I know we have already discussed how I want you to meet Jude Law, Matthew Goode, or just any adorable european man, but did we ever discuss how you are so Amanda Bynes right now IN What a Girl Wants? I mean so you have to find Oliver James. ANyway, I am loving the updates and photos <3.

    Love and miss you always !

